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Supporting Singapore’s Migrant Workforce With TWC2

With one of our offices located in Singapore and a second wave of the coronavirus hitting migrant workers especially hard, our Singaporean team has identified Transient Worker Count Too (TWC2) as a key charity to support as we increase our corporate giving. 

About TWC2

Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) is a Singaporean charity created to assist and support low-wage migrant workers whose work is vital to many economic sectors yet they are frequently mistreated, exploited, or disadvantaged.

These migrant workers are exposed to situations of overcrowded and poor living conditions, dangerous and dirty work, long hours without time off, as well as low wages and unpaid salaries.

TWC2 work to promote fair and dignified treatment for migrant workers. They engage in public education and challenge policymakers to ensure this.

Our Singapore team has nominated the Transient Workers Count Too charity to receive SGD10,000 to support their work for equitable treatment for migrant workers. This sector of the community has been particularly hard hit during the lockdown given that many workers are living in dormitory conditions during the lockdown period. "

Peter ConroyTrayport President

TWC2 are using their donations to address numerous areas of need within the migrant communities. These include providing phone top-ups to allow for continued communication with family during this time as well as emergency rental bailouts and small emergency needs such as food delivery, medicine, and essential provisions. There is also long term concern around post-covid needs where they expect many salaries to go unpaid and an increase in abrupt job loss.

For more information about TWC2 and the work they do to help migrant workers in Singapore please visit their website

Other Charities We Are Supporting During This Time

We are pleased to have increased our corporate giving during this time to include a variety of charities in the UK, Singapore, and Austria.

These are

  • NHS Charities Together who support health workers in the NHS  |  Learn more
  • Women’s Aid who fight for women and children’s safety from domestic abuse | Learn More
  • Caritas who feed and look after the homeless in Vienna
  • The Trussell Trust who support a nationwide food bank network in the UK
  • First Love Foundation who support the London borough of Tower Hamlets  |  Learn more
Meghanne Hughes
Engagement Manager - Passionate about company culture and making Trayport a great place to work